Design Gurukul is the pioneer institution in India which has initiated with
Research in the field of Building Sciences. Design Gurukul is affiliated to Zoroastrian College, Mumbai. Zoroastrian College is under a special consultative status with
United Nations Economic & Social Council (Degree acceptable in 191 countries of the world). It has international centers Germany, Japan, Tajikistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Chile, Taiwan, Canada and U.S.A. The centers in India are Delhi, Dehradun, Tripura, Orissa, Tripur and Pune. The College campus is located in a beautiful natural environment in the countryside near Sanjan on the banks of the only unpolluted river flowing past the College Building on the Borders of Gujarat and Maharashtra. It is one of the best library collections in the World of rare and usual books and manuscripts on several subjects including those within the scope of the above departments.
Design Gurukul has created opportunities for willing students and practioners to do higher studies in the field ofInterior Design, Vaastu Science, Environmental Science and Art & Culture. Lot of students have being doing researches from the department of Vaastu Science from almost a decade.
Students can apply for, M. Phil, PhD & DSc programs through research thesis from Zoroastrian College, degree issued by Open International University of Complimentary Medicine (OIUCM), Colombo. Students can do research from the following departments:
- Interior Design
- Vaastu science
- Sick Building Syndrome
- Colours
Students would get the opportunity to be guided by the world renowned senior architect, author, research scholar & Vaastu advisor Prof. Dr. B.B.Puri (Chairman- Grover & Puri, Charted Architectural firm since 1960 & Founder Dean of Vaastu Kala Academy- College of architecture) and Dr.R.M.Mehra PhD.
Practioners or students interested in degree programs through research thesis from Zoroastrian College must appear for an interview and apply with duly filled application form, three passport size photographs and copies of all the required credentials for the particular degree ( as per the guidelines). Students with help of their Guide can choose their research topics. Pre-synopsis seminar is conducted by Design Gurukul to help students in preparation of Synopsis. Students prepare their synopsis and send it to the College with the other required documents. The Panel of Board of studies of Zoroastrian College informs the students about the approval of synopsis. Once the synopsis has been accepted, the students with help of their Guide and guiding institution proceed with their researches. These research programs are open to all and students can continue working along with their research. Students have to visit the college library in Sanjan once in a year as per the stipulated dates given by the college. Students can also access the library of Design Gurukul for references.
For eligibility, research title, fee, duration, exemptions and guidelines issued by guiding institution, college or university, contact the director, Dr.R.M.Mehra PhD.