(Services by a Team of Experts)

Premium Scientific Vastu & HEALTHY Home is an integrated approach towards having a Healthy, Ecological, Green and Vastu Friendly Building. The service is rendered by a group of Professionals following Technical Guidelines given by various agencies like GRIHA (Adarsh- Green Building), WHO, US EPA, NASA, ISO, Medical Journals,  Latest Researches and Ancient Books of Architecture etc.

This service would include focus on Scientific Vastu and Healthy Home aspect of the Building.

Roles of our Expert Team:

Expert Broad Area Scope of Work
Medical Practitioner

Mental & Physical Health

Medical history, Diagnosis of Physical & Mental Health, Study of Attitude and Behavioral issues, Guidance on Healthy Living.
Interior Designer/Architect

Building / Architecture / Design

Scaled Auto Cad Drawings of building, Technical Study of Furniture, Colours, Materials, Openings, Paintings & Healthy Interiors.
Scientific Vastu Expert

Land / Location / Environment

Assessment of directions, Diagnosis of Soil, Vegetation, Location, Environment. Diagnosis of light, sound, humidity, temperature, EMF & energies by scientific instruments.
  1. Scientific Vastu Site analysis- interior & exterior
  2. Analysis of space planning, surrounding, land and environment
  3. EMF testing through EMF radiation tester
  4. Light and sound checks by lux meter and sound level meter
  5. Energy diagnosis through lecher antenna
  6. Discussions on Furniture’s, Colours, Materials, Openings, Paintings, Healthy Interiors as per Vastu by Interior designer, Colour Expert & Scientific Vastu Expert
  7. Discussion on mental & physical diseases, nature friendly living, attitude & behavioral patterns of residents by Medical Expert & Scientific Vastu Expert
  8. Discussion on Destiny, Time, Financial growth, emotional status, marital bliss, diseases etc through Astrology services would be included by Astrologer & Scientific Vastu Expert
  9. Scientific Remedies as suggested by the experts for the defects if any.



Vaastu is a science of balancing building with the laws of nature. A Vaastu friendly or nature friendly building is perfectly balanced with nature, subtle energies around and five elements. Vaastu is known as Sthapatya Veda or the Science of architecture. In the ancient period, Vaastu and architecture were one. Vaastu is in fact an architectural science which focuses on designing building considering the latitude, longitude and altitude of the place, climatology, land, location, subtle energies around and psychology of occupants. In other words Vaastu can also be described as - collection of experiences and expertise of thousand of years of our ancestors on the relationship between building, nature and their effects.D
Vaastu - needs a thorough scientific study with help of instruments like lecher antenna, camphol, PIP scan, lux meter and sound level meter etc. A scientific study of a building can only be done if it is studied in totality. The three factors which need to be taken into consideration are:

Building - Building refers to the premises and each and every aspect of the premises. It includes the structure, openings, location, size, shape, internal layout and environment etc. A complete internal and external study of the dwellings is important.
Human beings - Human beings refer to the occupants of the building. It refers to a complete psychological and anatomical study of the occupants. The attitude, behavior and personality of the occupants play an important role in customized solutions.
Environment - Environment refers to both internal and external environment. The external environment includes the surrounding, aggressions, Climatology, cosmic and geo energies etc. The internal environment comprises of indoor air, electromagnetic field, multiple chemical sensitivity, colour scheme, materials and furniture etc. The relationship between internal and external environment should also be clearly understood to strike a perfect balance.

There are lots of benefits easily possible through Scientific Vaastu. Sound sleep, efficiency, comfort level, relaxation, concentration, mental stability, strong immune system, better energy levels, fresh & active feel and improved relationships are some of them.

The research scholars & experts at Building Doctors have differentiated themselves from the general AstroVaastu Consultants. They have made the building fraternity realize that Architectural Vaastu science is a core subject of building sciences. Building Doctors has specialized in Vasteriology (Science of Vaastu, Interiors & Psychology). It concentrates on creating a Healthy internal environment and provides healing to the buildings through colours, plants, music’s, aromas, crystals, pyramids, paintings and design concepts. Building Doctors also provides healing to the buildings through Vedic principles.


A “healthy house” is a dwelling wherein construction materials, furnishings, and operating systems do not contribute to the ill health of its residents. It goes without saying that we all want our homes to be healthy; unfortunately, some common household products, appliances, structural materials and energy improvements have had unforeseen negative consequences. In fact, indoor air pollution from combustion appliances and household products can be two, five, or in some cases even up to 100 times higher than pollution levels found outdoors (US Environmental Protection Agency).

Some of the health concerns related to building function and materials include reactions to pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides used in and around the home; chemical sensitivities to substances found in paints and solvents, including lead-based paint; reactions to chemicals in building materials and furnishings, such as formaldehyde in carpeting or glues in fabricated wood lumber; reactions to mold caused by damp conditions; and human-caused pollution from smoking.

Healthy Home is all about creating Healthy spaces in and around the building which  are  capable of generating Mental and Physical health for the occupants. Healthy Home  includes  the study of every element of house including materials, furniture, colours, plants, electric gadgets, things of personal use etc


ABOUT   DR. R. M. MEHRA   (PhD & DSc)

Dr. R. M. Mehra is an Interior Designer, Scientific Vaastu Expert, Sick Building Expert, Colour Consultant, Research Scholar and an Author. He is one of the few Research Scholars, PhD & D.Sc in the field of Interior Design & Scientific Vaastu. He is the Director of Building Doctors & Design Gurukul (A pioneer institution for professional specializations in Design) and Research Director of Research Institute of Vedic Culture (NGO Trust) an organization dedicated to revival of Vedic wisdom. He is a member of

the Institute of Indian Interior designers. He is both an Educationalist and a Consultant.

Dr. Mehra 2nd from left receiving Post Doctoral Degree in Healthy Home from Zoroastrian College
He is one of the few experts who practice Sick Building Syndrome and Scientific Vaastu with instruments. He uses instruments like sound level Meter, Lux Meter, Lecher Antenna, Magnetic Compass and EMF Radiations tester meter etc. Some of his prominent clients include M/s Birla group of Companies, M/s Reliance group of Companies, M/s Real Tech Builders, M/s Uppals Group, M/s Design Forum of Architects, M/s Sumitomitsui Constructions and M/s Lakhani group of Companies, M/s Low Price Publication, M/s Excel Books etc. His specialization lies in rectification of sick buildings. He is a man blessed with ability to cure buildings. He has flair for scientifically balanced spaces in relation to the psychological and anatomical standards of the occupants using the space. He understands the secrets of balancing the four spaces: celestial space, terrestrial space, inner space and built space.
Dr. Mehra has presented various technical papers and has received numerous awards of appreciation. He has been honoured with Gold Medal & citation at the Millennium World Congress in 2005.  He has been given the Special Award of Honour and Speakers Special Award by the Zoroastrian College in 2006. He has also been awarded “First Healthy Home Consultant Award” by the XX National Medicos Congress Hoshiarpur, Punjab.  Recently he has been honoured with an Award of Excellence in Research & Professional Services by the Minister of Culture & Tourism, Smt. Ambika Soni.

Receiving Award from Minister of Culture & Tourism, Smt. Ambika Soni

His book “THE HEALTHY OFFICE” is based on creating healthy environment in an office. Mr. Mantytsky, Russian Counsel in Mumbai has released the book in year. The book has been well received.

His recent book “I THOUGHT MY HOME WAS HEALTHY” is based on creating healthy environment in a Home. Smt. Sheila Dikshit the honorable Chief Minister of Delhi has released the book. The book has been well received.


Dr. R. M. Mehra has done extensive research in the field of Architectural Vaastu. He has differentiated himself from the general Astro- Vaastu Consultants. He has made the building fraternity realize that Scientific Vaastu is a core subject of building sciences. It is a collection of experiences of our ancient architects, environmentalists, geologists, builders and geomancers. He has specialized in Vasteriology (Science of Vaastu, Interiors & Psychology) and Interior Psychology. He concentrates on creating a Healthy internal environment and provides healing to the buildings through colours, plants, music’s, aromas, crystals, pyramids, paintings and design concepts. He is the first Interior Designer to use concepts of Interior Design, wall elevations and interior materials as remedy to Vaastu flaws.
Dr Mehra is a specialist in detecting the following with instruments on the site:
  • GEOPATHIC AGGRESSION - It is an aggression or stress in the building due to land. It can cause mental unrest, stress, lack of focus, concentration and continued tensions.
  • COSMO TELLURIC CHANNEL - It is an invisible link between sun & earth. Absence can create an unhealthy and a dizzy feeling.
  • ENERGY LINES ON GROUND – There are many forms and patterns of energy lines and grids naturally existing on the ground. Specifically Hartman grid, Curry grid and ley line. Exposure to such lines can weaken the immune system and disturbs sleep.
  • GLOBAL FIELD - Influx of energies in & around the buildings.
  • COSMIC & TELLURIC ENERGY - Energy flowing from sun & Earth creates a healthy feel.
  • NEGATIVE ENERGY - An unknown flow of negative energy from an object or material in the building can create lot of pessimism, restlessness and insomnia.
  • EMF CONGESTION – EMF can be tested through an EMF Radiation Tester. Electro magnetic radiations that can result in infections in pregnancy, miscarriages, leukemia and even brain cancer.
  • LIGHT – Paucity of light can cause SAD (Seasonal affective Disorder)
  • SOUND – Over exposure to sound can create hearing loss or aural pain, nausea and disrupted concentration and sleep.

(For Detailed profile of Dr. Mehra Click here)

Acharya Vikas Sharma- Astrologer & Scientific Vastu Expert

Acharya Vikas Sharma is both an Astrologer and a Scientific Vastu Expert. He has been doing self-study and practicing his learning for last 18 years. Vikas Sharma is an expert in all areas of Predictive Techniques of astrology. He later obtained Diploma of Jyotish Acharya from the "Institute of Astrology” Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi which is the premier institute of Astrology in the world, and Vastu Acharya from AIFAS Delhi. Later he has done many researches under the guidance of very senior astrologers of Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan. For Astrology his predictions are based on Parasharic and Gemini principles, Ashtak Vargas systems, Vimshottari Dasha pattern, and with the using different divisional charts.    
Vikas Sharma is a trained Vastu Expert with proficiency in handling Scientific instruments. He has done Advance Course in Vastu Science and Instrument handling program from Building Doctors and Design Gurukul.   For Vastu Shastra he always uses non-destructive and scientific remedies so that people can Correct Vastu defects of their homes without any destruction. He is an expert of finding defects like Geopathic stress, Hartmann Grid, Curry Grid, ley line, Radon Gas etc. with the help of scientific instruments like lecher Antenna.

Dr. Gaurav Malik- Medical Doctor & Healthy Home Expert

Graduate of Dentistry(Dental Surgeon), trained on Vaastu Science by Dr. RM Mehra and is deeply associated with medical based analysis of life in living/work spaces and lifestyle management.

Dr Malik has done an Advance Vastu Program from Design Gurukul. He is aligned with Vaastu Science due to exceptional scientific interest related to the effects of buildings on the health of its occupants. Dr. Gaurav Mailk specialises in evaluating the mental and physical comfort of occupants in relation to both internal and external environment. Dr. Malik has done an extensive research on Healthy Home. Dr Gaurav Malik being a Medical expert is scientifically establishing a formal relation between occupants and their building in context to the forces of nature.

Shilpi Saraf – Interior Designer, Colour, 3D Expert & Scientific Vastu Expert

SHILPI SARAF is a practicing Vastu expert from last couple of years. She is an expert in the field of Vastu science, interior design, Auto CAD, 3ds max and Colours. She is also teaching students of building technology from last couple of years. She was working in CADD CENTRE and providing corporate trainings to NHPC and other corporate as a trainer. Presently she is associated with Building Doctors and Design Gurukul.

She has revolutionized the traditional model of property management by adopting a scientific vastu approach in managing every aspect of a property. Vastu science is a passion in her life. She has done lot of commercial and residential projects. More and more people in the city developed a keen interest in the subject after her lectures. She has given a number of lectures and addressed large gatherings. She has helped many clients making their houses nature friendly. She has helped many people to make their lives better.